Insomnia Treatment – Is Your Doctor Always Right?

Your doctor will probably ask you some obvious questions such as, how are you sleeping, how is your appetite, are you smoking /drinking more than usual, are you avoiding situations etc? You will tell him how you can't switch off, how your heart suddenly races, you feel shaky often and perhaps have experienced a panic attack. When he diagnoses an anxiety problem his first offer will be that of SSRI medication. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the new anti depressant medications that are also known as anti anxiety drugs. benzodiazepines for sleep The most tragic example of a person being addicted is that of a famous pop singer who was said to be taking 10 Xanax pills every night. It was clear that this was a case of addiction as he needed more and more of these medicines to feed his addiction. Paradoxical intent. Have you noticed that as soon as you go on a diet you want to eat more? Even Mary Poppins knew that telling a child to stay awake often had the opposite effect. Rather than worry about falling asleep, focus on staying awake instead. This relieves the fear of sleep, which allows a person to relax. Tell yourself that you must stay awake for half an hour (or 200 breaths). If you do succeed in staying awake, get up and try again an hour later. types of benzodiazepines Certain Anti-Anxiety Medications, too, can work well on both conditions. They're from the benzodiazepines group, and two are Ativan and Xanax. Again, fine, they will work quickly, but they're both very addictive and doctors generally are particularly cautious about the amounts you take and the length of time you take them. Imagine these addictive drugs passing along the same pathways, and it isn't difficult to see how easily it is to become 'hooked.' This was one of the main causes of my first stay in a psych ward. I started eating Valium like sweets. First, one a day was fine. Then I found I wasn't really obtaining any relief from just one, so I went on to two. Ah! alprazolam 0.25 was much better – for a time. Then three, then four and before I knew it, I was on the road to hospital. Many road and work-related accidents also occur more often for people who don't get enough sleep. A road accident wherein the driver falls asleep on the wheel often ends in fatality. That not only endangers the insomniac. It endangers the other people around as well. Sometimes, people with insomnia use cures with negative side effects and other problems. The reason is that people with insomnia often feel too tired to look for other alternatives since as they wake up they face other problems. However, most people attest to the positive effects of exercising as a natural cure. It can relieve stiff muscles and improve your well-being, as well as give you a more comfortable feeling. If you find it hard to exercise because you're tired during the day, then start with short exercises. For instance, start by walking a short five minutes each day to start you on your way. Start with basic exercises like stretching. Starting with the basics can gear you up on the way to healing naturally. You only need to have the willpower to do these natural cures for insomnia. benzodiazepines for ptsd Hyperventilation. Constant heavy breathing through the mouth will cause the person to feel a bit of lightheadedness, this initial feeling will make the person breathe even more heavily as he tries to catch his breath. This constant cycle will eventually trigger an attack in the person. Let me tell you about my own personal experience with melatonin. When it first came out many years ago, I tried it to help with my sleeping. I took it the first night, fell asleep, and woke up at 3am, wide awake and couldn't get back to sleep. Of course the next night I was tired so I took it again. I fell asleep but was wide awake again at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. The next night I didn't take it and slept until morning. The fourth night I took the pill and again woke up at 3am, wide awake. I have never taken it since. Why I woke up at 3am, I don't know. It was strange but that is what happened to me.